Cybersecurity in the Cloud: Best Practices for Nonprofits

15 May 2024

How to protect your organization's data and mission in the cloud era

Moving to the cloud brings new challenges and risks for cybersecurity and we are observing that nonprofits need to be aware of the potential threats and best practices for securing their data and mission in the cloud.

We will share some insights on how nonprofits can leverage Microsoft Azure and other tools to enhance their cybersecurity in the cloud.

We will cover the following topics:

  • Why cybersecurity matters for nonprofits in the cloud.
  • What are the common threats and challenges for nonprofits in the cloud?
  • How Microsoft Azure can help nonprofits secure their data and applications in the cloud.
  • What are some additional tips and resources for nonprofits to improve their cybersecurity in the cloud?

Why cybersecurity matters for nonprofits in the cloud

Nonprofits often deal with sensitive and confidential data, such as donor information, beneficiary records, financial transactions, and personal data of staff and volunteers. Therefore, protecting them from unauthorized access, theft, loss, or corruption is crucial for the nonprofit's mission and trustworthiness.

Many nonprofits lack the resources, expertise, and awareness to implement effective cybersecurity measures. These gaps expose nonprofits to various cyber threats, especially when they move their data and applications to the cloud. The cloud offers many benefits for nonprofits, such as lower costs, higher efficiency, and greater accessibility. However, it also introduces new vulnerabilities and challenges, such as:

  • Lack of control and visibility over the cloud infrastructure and services
  • Shared responsibility for security between the cloud provider and the nonprofit
  • Increased complexity and diversity of the cloud environment and technologies
  • Increased exposure to external and internal attacks, such as phishing, malware, ransomware, denial-of-service, data breaches, insider threats, and human errors

Nonprofits need to adopt a proactive and comprehensive approach to cybersecurity in the cloud. They need to understand the risks and responsibilities involved in using the cloud and implement the appropriate policies, procedures, and tools to safeguard their data and applications.

What are the common threats and challenges for nonprofits in the cloud?

Nonprofits face various types of cyber threats and challenges in the cloud, depending on the nature and scope of their cloud usage. Some of the most common ones are:

  • Data breaches
  • Malware and ransomware
  • Denial-of-service: Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks are attempts to overwhelm the nonprofit's cloud resources, such as servers, bandwidth, or storage, and prevent them from functioning properly.
  • Human errors

How Microsoft Azure can help nonprofits secure their data and applications in the cloud

Azure provides various features and tools to help nonprofits enhance their cybersecurity in the cloud. Some of the benefits of using Azure for nonprofit cybersecurity are:

  • Azure is built on a secure foundation that adheres to the highest standards and best practices of cloud security. Azure also complies with over 90 global and industry-specific regulations and certifications, such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and NIST.
  • Azure offers a shared responsibility model for security, which means that Microsoft is responsible for securing the cloud infrastructure and services, while the nonprofit is responsible for securing the data and applications that they use on Azure.
  • Azure provides a comprehensive and integrated suite of security tools and services that cover the entire cloud security lifecycle, from identity and access management to data protection, to threat detection and response.

Some of the key Azure security tools and services are:

1. Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)

Azure AD is a cloud-based identity and access management service. It allows NPOs to manage user identities, enforce multi-factor authentication (MFA), and control access to resources. Key features include:

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Users can access multiple applications with a single set of credentials.
  • Conditional Access Policies: Define access rules based on user roles, device health, and location.
  • Identity Protection: Detect and prevent suspicious sign-in activities.

2. Azure Key Vault

Azure Key Vault provides secure storage for secrets, keys, and certificates. NPOs can use it to manage encryption keys used by applications and services. Benefits include:

  • Centralized Management: Store and manage secrets in a secure vault.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Control who can access and manage keys and secrets.
  • Integration with Azure Services: Easily integrate with Azure services like Azure Functions and Azure App Service.

3. Azure Storage

Azure Storage offers scalable and secure storage solutions for NPOs. Key features include:

  • Blob Storage: Securely store unstructured data, such as documents, images, and videos.
  • File Storage: Create file shares accessible from anywhere.
  • Encryption at Rest: Automatically encrypt data stored in Azure Storage.

4. Azure Backup

Data loss can be devastating for NPOs. Azure Backup provides reliable data protection with features like:

  • Automated Backups: Schedule regular backups of virtual machines, databases, and files.
  • Long-Term Retention: Store backups for extended periods.
  • Geo-Redundancy: Replicate backups to a secondary Azure region for disaster recovery.

5. Azure Security Center

Azure Security Center helps NPOs prevent, detect, and respond to security threats.

  • Threat Detection: Identify potential vulnerabilities and security issues.
  • Just-In-Time (JIT) Access: Limit access to virtual machines by opening ports only when needed.
  • Security Policies: Define and enforce security baselines.

6. Azure Sentinel

Azure Sentinel is a cloud-native Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution. NPOs can use it to:

  • Collect Security Data: Aggregate data from various sources, including Azure, on-premises, and third-party systems.
  • Detect Threats: Use built-in analytics and machine learning to identify suspicious activities.
  • Automate Responses: Set up automated playbooks to respond to security incidents.

Implement Best Practices

Here are additional best practices to safeguard your nonprofit’s data:

  • Premium Hosting for Websites: Invest in a reliable hosting service for your website. A secure hosting environment reduces the risk of breaches.
  • Double Opt-In Email Subscriptions: Require a double opt-in process for email subscriptions. This ensures that only legitimate subscribers receive your communications.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable 2FA for all social media accounts. It adds an extra layer of security beyond passwords.
  • Password Management: Use a password management tool to store and manage passwords securely.
  • Regular Software Updates: Keep your software up to date to patch vulnerabilities. Additionally, back up your data daily to prevent data loss in case of an attack.

If you want to learn more about how can help your NPO customer can address their cloud security needs, please contact us today at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let us help you with your cloud security challenges.

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