Fixed Assets
The IT Cluster brings you the ultimate in comprehensive asset management products and solutions designed for the medium business to large business and multinational corporations. There are real bottom-line benefits to fixed asset management.

Fixed Asset solutions manage the complete lifecycle of your business's Fixed Assets, such as land, buildings, motor vehicles and office equipment. The solutions are used to process the asset accounting transactions, including acquisition, depreciation, adjustment and disposal of them.
4mobi | asset - Mobile component for 4asset
The IT Cluster brings you the ultimate in comprehensive asset management products and solutions designed for the medium business to large business and multinational corporations. There are real bottom-line benefits to fixed asset management. Learn more...
4verify - Verify asset registers and create new registers from scratch
4verify is a unique, new, home-grown, locally developed system created specifically to verify existing asset registers or to create a new register from scratch. It easily integrates with existing Asset Management systems via common data loading files. This essentially means that 4Sight Information Technologies (IT) Cluster can plug into your asset register and assist you with the verification. Learn more...