Enhance Data Security and Device Management with Microsoft 365's DLP and MDM Solutions

24 July 2023

Security and device management is no longer something that only enterprise and corporate customers should worry about. Security affects all businesses and irrespective of size, efficient data and device management should form part of the core strategy of any business.

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Microsoft 365 offers robust solutions in the form of Data Loss Prevention (DLP) and Mobile Device Management (MDM via Microsoft Intune). In this blog, we will explore the features that matter to your organisation’s safety, a few use cases, included licenses for DLP and MDM, and what sets Microsoft's solutions apart from other DLP and MDM solutions. Let's dive in and discover how these solutions can help safeguard your organization's sensitive information and streamline device management.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Solution: Data Loss Prevention is a critical aspect of ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data within an organization. Microsoft 365's DLP solution empowers businesses to identify, monitor, and protect sensitive information across various platforms and applications.

Key Features and Use Cases:

1. Policy Creation and Enforcement: Microsoft 365 allows you to create customised policies to define sensitive data types and set rules for their handling. These policies can be enforced across multiple applications such as Exchange Online, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams. Use cases include preventing the accidental sharing of sensitive data, ensuring compliance with regulations (e.g., POPIA, GDPR, HIPAA), and protecting intellectual property.

2. Content Inspection: The DLP solution can automatically scan and analyse content in real-time, looking for patterns, keywords, and predefined data types. It helps identify sensitive information like credit card numbers, social security numbers, and confidential documents. Organisations can then take appropriate actions like blocking or encrypting the content to prevent data leaks.

3. Incident Management and Reporting: Microsoft 365 provides detailed reporting and analytics on DLP incidents, enabling organisations to understand their data protection posture and make informed decisions for ongoing improvements. It helps track policy violations, assess risk areas, and ensure continuous compliance.

Included Licenses: The DLP capabilities are included in the following Microsoft 365 licenses:

  • Microsoft 365 E3
  • Microsoft 365 E5
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium
  • Exchange Online (Plan 2)
What Makes Microsoft's DLP Solution Different:

1. Seamless Integration: Microsoft 365's DLP solution seamlessly integrates with popular applications, offering a unified experience for data protection. This integration extends to both cloud and on-premises environments, enabling comprehensive coverage and flexibility.

2. Machine Learning and AI Capabilities: Microsoft leverages advanced technologies like machine learning and artificial intelligence to enhance DLP accuracy and efficiency. The system continuously learns from user behaviour and adapts its policies to match evolving data protection needs.

3. Centralized Management: Microsoft's DLP solution provides centralized management and administration through the Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance Center. This simplifies the deployment, configuration, and monitoring of DLP policies across multiple services and platforms.

Mobile Device Management (MDM)- Microsoft Intune: With the proliferation of mobile devices, organisations need effective management and security measures to protect corporate data accessed through these devices. Microsoft 365's MDM solution offers comprehensive management capabilities to ensure data security while enabling productivity on the go.

Key Features and Use Cases:

1. Device Enrolment and Configuration: Microsoft 365 enables easy enrolment of mobile devices into the management system. Administrators can apply security policies, configure device settings, and enforce compliance requirements. This ensures that devices accessing corporate resources meet the organisation's security standards.

2. App Management: MDM allows organisations to manage and distribute mobile apps securely. Administrators can deploy and update applications, whitelist, or blacklist specific apps, and enforce app-level security policies. It helps streamline app management, ensuring only authorized and secure apps are used within the organisation.

3. Data Protection and Remote Wipe: Microsoft's MDM solution provides data protection features such as encryption, secure containers, and remote wipe capabilities. In the event of a lost or stolen device, administrators can remotely wipe corporate data to prevent unauthorized access.

Included Licenses: The MDM capabilities are included in the following Microsoft 365 licenses:

  • Microsoft 365 E3
  • Microsoft 365 E5
  • Enterprise Mobility and Security E3
  • Enterprise Mobility and Security E5
  • Microsoft 365 Business Premium
  • Microsoft 365 F1
  • Microsoft Intune Standalones (P1 and P2)
What Makes Microsoft's MDM Solution Different:

1. Integration with Microsoft 365 Ecosystem: Microsoft's MDM seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft 365 services and applications, such as Azure Active Directory, Intune, and Microsoft Endpoint Manager. This integration provides a holistic approach to device management, making it easier to enforce security policies and ensure compliance.

2. Conditional Access and Risk-Based Policies: Microsoft 365's MDM solution offers conditional access capabilities, allowing organisations to define access controls based on various factors like device compliance, user location, and risk level. This adaptive approach enhances security while providing a frictionless user experience.

3. Simplified User Experience: Microsoft's MDM solution focuses on providing a user-friendly experience for both administrators and end-users. With intuitive interfaces, self-service capabilities, and app store-like experiences, users can easily access corporate resources while administrators can efficiently manage devices and policies.

Microsoft 365's Data Loss Prevention and Mobile Device Management solutions offer robust features to protect sensitive data and streamline device management. With customizable policies, intelligent content inspection, and seamless integration, organisations can enhance data security and enforce compliance. The included licenses make these solutions accessible to a wide range of businesses. Embracing Microsoft's DLP and MDM solutions empowers organisations to mitigate risks, ensure data privacy, and optimize productivity.

If you're interested in implementing Microsoft 365's DLP and MDM solutions for your organisation, our team of experts is ready to discuss the possibilities with you. Reach out to us today to discuss your specific requirements and unlock the full potential of these powerful security and management tools. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. today!

Remember, safeguarding your data and managing devices is crucial in today's evolving digital landscape. Let 4Sight Channel Partner and our channel of Microsoft partners be your lifeline in ensuring a secure and productive environment for your organisation.

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