How to Become a Microsoft ISV Partner

17 May 2024

As technology continues to evolve, businesses are increasingly relying on software solutions to streamline their operations and enhance customer experiences. Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) play a crucial role in this ecosystem by developing innovative applications that integrate with existing platforms. Becoming a Microsoft ISV partner can open up exciting opportunities for your software business.

Whether you have an existing software solution, building a software solution, or are still in the ideation phase, the Microsoft ISV program is the logical next step to start your partnership with Microsoft.

In this guide, we’ll break down the process into simple actionable steps.

What is an ISV?

An ISV is a company or individual that creates and sells software applications independently of the platform provider (in this case, Microsoft). These applications can range from productivity tools to industry-specific solutions. Becoming a Microsoft ISV partner means collaborating with Microsoft to build, market, and sell your software on their platforms. This collaboration goes beyond Microsoft; as an ISV partner, you also gain access to the vast Microsoft Partner ecosystem, where partners such as Software and Solution Aggregators (SSAs), Cloud Solution Providers, Cloud Solution Resellers, and System Integrators are actively looking for ISVs to collaborate with.

Step 1: Understand the Benefits

As an aspiring ISV, you want to know why partnering with Microsoft is beneficial for your business. Here are some advantages:

1. Access to a Vast Customer Base: Microsoft has a massive global customer network. Partnering with them allows you to reach potential clients you might not otherwise connect with.

2. Technical Support and Resources: Microsoft provides technical guidance, training, and resources to help you develop and optimize your software.

3. Co-Marketing Opportunities: Collaborate with Microsoft on marketing campaigns, events, and webinars to promote your solution.

Microsoft ISV partners can benefit from a strong ecosystem, including Azure, Microsoft 365, and Dynamics 365. These platforms offer scalability, security, and integration capabilities. For a comprehensive overview of all the benefits available for ISVs, take a look at the following resource:

Step 2: Build Your Solution

You need to create a software solution that aligns with Microsoft’s ecosystem. Here’s how:

1. Choose Your Niche: Identify a problem or gap in the market that your software can address effectively.

2. Leverage Microsoft Technologies: Use Azure services, Power Platform, or Microsoft 365 APIs to build your solution.

 Microsoft encourages ISVs to build cloud-native applications that leverage Azure services. Ensure your solution integrates seamlessly with existing Microsoft products. Ensure to build for the future in terms of how software procurement is modernizing, Microsoft has an advanced commercial engine where ISVs can sell their solutions through the Azure Marketplace, which is the central commercial engagement point for ISVs.

Step 3: Join the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program

You’re ready to join the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program (MCPP). Here’s what you’ll do:

1. Register as a Partner: Visit the Microsoft Cloud Partner website and sign up as an ISV partner:

2. Choose a Membership Level: Select the appropriate membership level based on your business goals.

3. Engage with Microsoft and Microsoft partners: Start engaging with the Microsoft ecosystem, which includes the vast Microsoft partner ecosystem. This will assist you in getting started on the right path and adding value to your business faster.

The Microsoft Cloud Partner program provides access to training, technical support, and co-selling opportunities. Choose the right membership level to access relevant benefits, in this case, you want to partner as an ISV.

Step 4: Develop a Go-to-Market Strategy

You need a plan to promote your software. Here are the first steps:

1. Create a Compelling Pitch: Clearly articulate the value of your solution to potential customers and be sure to focus on existing customer success stories.

2. Leverage Microsoft’s Channels: Collaborate with Microsoft sellers and partners to reach a wider audience.

3. Join the ISV Success Program: A program dedicated to the success of Microsoft ISVs designed to assist ISVs with the commercialization and improvement of their solutions.

ISVs benefit from Microsoft’s extensive sales channels, including field sellers, inside sales, and co-selling initiatives. Microsoft has an extensive library of resources available to assist ISVs with their go-to-market strategies, be sure to leverage these.

Get started today!

Becoming a Microsoft ISV partner involves understanding the benefits, building a compatible solution, joining the MCPP, and implementing a solid go-to-market strategy. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to success in the dynamic world of software development and distribution.

Remember, the journey to becoming an ISV partner is both exciting and challenging, but the rewards are worth it!

By partnering up with us as 4Sight, you’ll have access to our Microsoft SureStep Ambassador team who will guide you through the process of becoming a Microsoft ISV and leveraging the available Microsoft resources to grow your ISV business. Feel free to reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a one-on-one session and a deeper look into the Microsoft ecosystem.

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