Migrating Your ERP to Microsoft Azure: The smart move

21 April 2023

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are critical for businesses to streamline operations and improve productivity. However, maintaining and upgrading these systems can be time-consuming and costly. By moving your ERP system to the cloud, specifically to Microsoft Azure, you can realize several benefits and cost savings for your customer.

Benefits of Migrating your customer’s ERP system to Azure

One of the most significant benefits of Azure is its scalability and flexibility. Azure can easily handle increases in demand and workload, making it the perfect platform for your customer’s ERP system that requires dynamic resource allocations. Moreover, you can scale up or down Azure’s resources based on your customer’s business needs, ensuring that they pay only for what they use.

Moving your customer’s ERP system to Azure can provide employees with remote access to data and applications from anywhere, at any time. With Azure's cloud-based infrastructure, you can ensure that the system is available 24/7, allowing your customer’s employees to work on-the-go and stay productive.

Cost Savings

This eliminates the need for expensive on-premises hardware, software, and infrastructure. By using Azure, your customer can take advantage of the cloud's pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you pay only for the resources you use, saving money on infrastructure costs.

Azure's managed services can help save money on maintenance costs. With Azure, you don't have to worry about hardware maintenance, software updates, and patches, as Microsoft takes care of these tasks for you. This means that you can free up IT staff to focus on more strategic initiatives, saving time and money.

You can increase your customer’s business efficiency and productivity. Azure's cloud-based infrastructure can help reduce system downtime, ensuring that your ERP system is available when your employees need it. Moreover, with Azure's automation tools, you can streamline manual processes, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.

As stated, migrating your customer’s ERP system to Azure can provide several benefits and cost savings, including scalability and flexibility, enhanced security, improved accessibility, reduced infrastructure costs, lower maintenance costs, and increased efficiency. By leveraging Azure's cloud-based infrastructure, you can transform your customer’s ERP system into a more agile, secure, and efficient tool for their business.

Together with our Surestep team, have a look at your current customers that have an ERP system on premise of any kind and offer them this valuable solution. The surestep team will ensure that you can propose a good solution and take your customers a step closer to achieving their digital transformation goals.

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