Move to the cloud with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – The African Expansion

24 February 2023

The Microsoft corporation recently announced a massive expansion of the availability of the cloud version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central across Africa. From June 2023 onwards the following countries will join the rapidly expanding footprint of this world class Business Application.  The newly released African countries scheduled for availability in June 2023 are:

Ethiopia; Ghana; Madagascar; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Senegal; Tanzania; Uganda and Zambia

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the benefits of moving to the cloud with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

  1. Flexibility and Scalability
    One of the biggest benefits of cloud-based systems is their flexibility and scalability. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, using any device with an internet connection. This makes it easy for companies to work remotely, expand their operations, and scale their systems up or down as needed.

  2. Lower IT Costs
    By moving to the cloud, companies can significantly reduce their IT costs. They no longer have to invest in expensive hardware and software, or hire IT staff to maintain it. Instead, all IT responsibilities are handled by Microsoft, freeing up time and resources for companies to focus on other areas of their business.

  3. Increased Security
    Cloud-based systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central are highly secure, with robust security measures in place to protect data. Microsoft invests heavily in security and ensures that its systems are constantly updated to meet the latest security standards. By moving to the cloud, companies can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their data is safe and secure.

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  1. Improved Collaboration
    Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud makes it easy for team members to collaborate and share information in real-time. With access to the same data and systems, team members can work together more efficiently and make better decisions based on real-time data.

  2. Faster Deployment
    Cloud-based systems can be deployed much faster than traditional on-premise systems. This means that companies can start reaping the benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central more quickly, without the need for a long and complex implementation process.

  3. Easy Integration
    Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud can be easily integrated with other cloud-based systems and applications. This enables companies to create a seamless and integrated system that streamlines their operations and improves their bottom line.

  4. Regular Updates
    By moving to the cloud, companies can enjoy regular software updates without the need for manual updates. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is updated regularly with new features and improvements, ensuring that companies have access to the latest technology.

There are many benefits to implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central in the cloud. From lower IT costs and increased security to faster deployment and improved collaboration, the cloud provides a flexible and scalable solution that can help companies grow and succeed in today's fast-paced business environment. If you're considering a change to your operational systems, it's worth exploring the benefits of cloud-based systems like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.  Reach out to us with any questions you might have on this topic!

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