The Benefits of Microsoft for Nonprofit Organizations

03 April 2023

Microsoft provides a range of benefits for nonprofit organizations (NPOs) to help them achieve their missions and drive social impact. These benefits include grants and discounts for eligible NPOs across Microsoft’s cloud services such as Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics 365, as well as Surface hardware and on-premises software. 


One of the key offerings for NPOs is Microsoft Cloud for Nonprofit. This includes nonprofit-specific applications, advanced training benefits, and technical support—including unlimited 24/7 access to technical resources. It also provides access to Microsoft’s extensive and experienced nonprofit partner ecosystem and solutions. 

Microsoft 365 can help NPOs simplify IT management and reduce costs while empowering staff and volunteers to collaborate securely from anywhere on any device. This includes reliable cloud-based web services such as email, document collaboration, shared calendars, and online meetings. 

In addition to technology grants and discounts, Microsoft also provides training and learning paths so that nonprofit employees can use technology to drive greater impact. This includes resources such as the Digital Skills Center. 

Benefits of Dynamics 365 for NPO’s:  

Dynamics 365 offers several benefits for nonprofit organizations (NPOs). One of the key advantages is the ability to centralize information. Many NPOs use MS Excel to store, update, and manage data. Dynamics 365 allows NPOs to centralize this information and manage it more efficiently. 

Dynamics 365 also provides powerful customer relationship management (CRM) capabilities. This allows NPOs to take contextual information into every conversation and enable personalized interactions through a 360-degree view of donor and volunteer engagements. 

Another benefit of Dynamics 365 for NPOs is the ability to integrate seamlessly with other Microsoft products such as Power Platform. This allows NPOs to analyze data, automate processes, and build apps, websites, and virtual agents more efficiently. 

In summary, Dynamics 365 offers several benefits for NPOs including the ability to centralize information, powerful CRM capabilities, and seamless integration with other Microsoft products. 

In summary, Microsoft provides a range of benefits for NPOs to help them achieve their missions and drive social impact. These benefits include technology grants and discounts, advanced training benefits, technical support, and access to an extensive partner ecosystem. 

Learn More About Our Special Pricing For NPO’s Today  

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