The Top 10 Microsoft 365 Features Every Business Should Be Using

15 June 2023

Microsoft 365 has become an essential tool for businesses around the world, providing a comprehensive suite of applications and services to enhance productivity, collaboration, and efficiency. While many users are familiar with popular features like Word, Excel, and Outlook, there are several lesser-known but highly valuable features within Microsoft 365 that can greatly benefit businesses. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 Microsoft 365 features every business should be using, including Power Automate, Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint Online.

1. Power Automate:

Power Automate (formerly known as Microsoft Flow) is a powerful workflow automation tool that allows businesses to streamline processes and automate repetitive tasks. With Power Automate, you can create custom workflows across various applications, such as sending notifications, syncing files, and integrating data between different systems. By automating these tasks, businesses can save time, reduce errors, and increase productivity.

2. Microsoft Teams:

Microsoft Teams has revolutionized the way businesses communicate and collaborate. It provides a centralized hub for team communication, combining chat, video meetings, file sharing, and project management capabilities. Teams allows for real-time collaboration, making it easy to work together on documents, conduct virtual meetings, and stay connected with colleagues, regardless of their location. With Teams, businesses can enhance productivity, foster teamwork, and improve communication within their organization.

3. SharePoint Online:

SharePoint Online is a web-based collaboration platform that enables businesses to create intranet sites, share and manage documents, and collaborate on projects. It offers a centralized repository for storing files, version control, and document management capabilities. SharePoint Online also facilitates team collaboration through features like co-authoring, document workflows, and integration with other Microsoft 365 applications. It provides a secure and organized environment for businesses to store, access, and collaborate on their critical documents.

4. OneDrive for Business:

OneDrive for Business is a cloud storage service that allows businesses to store, sync, and share files securely. With OneDrive, employees can access their files from anywhere, on any device, and easily collaborate with others. It provides robust security features, such as encryption and access controls, ensuring that sensitive business data remains protected. OneDrive for Business offers ample storage space and seamless integration with other Microsoft 365 applications, making it a valuable asset for businesses of all sizes.

5. Microsoft Planner:

Microsoft Planner is a lightweight project management tool that helps businesses organize and track their tasks. It provides a visual and intuitive interface to create plans, assign tasks, set due dates, and monitor progress. With Planner, teams can collaborate on projects, share files, and communicate seamlessly. It offers a simple yet effective way to manage projects and ensure that everyone stays on track and meets their deadlines.

6. Microsoft Forms:

Microsoft Forms is a versatile survey and form-building tool that businesses can use to collect feedback, gather data, and conduct quizzes. It allows users to create customized forms with various question types, including multiple-choice, rating scales, and text fields. Microsoft Forms provides real-time analytics and reporting features, making it easy to analyze the responses and extract meaningful insights. It's an invaluable tool for conducting surveys, organizing events, and collecting feedback from customers or employees.

7. Excel Power Query:

Excel Power Query is a data transformation and analysis tool that enables businesses to import, transform, and combine data from various sources. With Power Query, users can easily clean and reshape data, merge multiple datasets, and perform advanced data transformations. It eliminates the need for manual data entry and manipulation, saving time and reducing errors. Excel Power Query is a powerful feature that can help businesses gain deeper insights from their data and make informed decisions.

8. Microsoft Bookings:

Microsoft Bookings is an appointment scheduling tool that simplifies the process of managing customer appointments and bookings. It allows businesses to create a personalized booking page where customers can schedule appointments based on availability. Bookings can be easily integrated with other Microsoft 365 applications, such as Outlook and Teams, ensuring seamless coordination and reducing scheduling conflicts. Whether you run a salon, a consultancy service, or any business that relies on appointments, Microsoft Bookings can streamline your scheduling process.

9. Microsoft Stream:

Microsoft Stream is a video-sharing platform that enables businesses to upload, share, and discover videos securely. It offers a central repository for storing and organizing videos, making it easy to search for and access relevant content. With Stream, businesses can create and share training videos, internal communications, and recorded meetings. It provides a secure and user-friendly platform for hosting and streaming videos within the organization.

10. Microsoft Power BI:

Microsoft Power BI is a business analytics tool that empowers businesses to visualize and analyse their data effectively. It allows users to create interactive dashboards, reports, and data visualizations using drag-and-drop functionality. Power BI can connect to a wide range of data sources, transform and model the data, and generate insights through interactive visualizations. With Power BI, businesses can make data-driven decisions, monitor key metrics, and gain valuable insights into their operations.

Microsoft 365 offers a wealth of powerful features that can significantly enhance productivity, collaboration, and efficiency for businesses. By leveraging the lesser-known features discussed in this blog post, such as Power Automate, Microsoft Teams, and SharePoint Online, businesses can streamline workflows, improve communication, and gain valuable insights from their data. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, exploring and implementing these features can unlock the full potential of Microsoft 365 and take your business to new heights.

If you're interested in learning more about how to maximize the benefits of Microsoft 365 for your business, our team of Modern Work SureStep Ambassadors at 4Sight is here to help. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for guidance and assistance in optimizing your Microsoft Three Six Five experience. Let us empower your business with the right tools and expertise to thrive in today's digital landscape.

Remember, embracing the top 10 Microsoft 365 features can revolutionize the way your business operates. Don't miss out on the opportunity to leverage these powerful tools and unlock your organization's full potential. Contact us today and embark on a journey towards enhanced productivity, collaboration, and success with Microsoft 365.

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