Transforming apps into intelligent solutions through modernization

21 May 2024

Ever come across a customer that has invested in a unique solution yet uses legacy on-prem infrastructure to host it? Ever found it difficult to convince them to host this solution in the cloud, not just to save on future costs and increase their security posture but to perhaps modernize their apps by adopting AI solutions? This sounds like a stuck record playing over and over?

As we embrace AI in our daily lives, especially when looking at new solutions for our customers, we notice the speed of innovation is increasing at an unmatched pace, causing a fundamental transformation in how our Partners conceptualize and provide digital interactions for their customers. An increasing number of apps and digital experiences are being enriched with AI on a daily basis.

Some claim that AI will grant them an advantage over competitors. It is through applications that AI becomes tangible and serves as the conduit for achieving meaningful business outcomes. AI is not only creating innovative services, but also revolutionizing the development and deployment of applications. This is forcing businesses to update their infrastructure, processes, and application architectures, as traditional models for supporting applications won't be sufficient for the new wave of AI-powered, data-heavy applications.

Innovative AI adoption: A crucial factor in driving modernization There is a growing need and pressure to update traditional solutions due to the increasing attention and use of AI, which is leading to fresh chances to improve business operations with AI. In order to keep up with the digital and AI transformation happening in their industries, companies are speeding up their modernization initiatives. To more easily incorporate AI and provide a stable platform that is specifically built for AI, these businesses are turning to cloud-native architectures and principles. This ensures that all applications run smoothly, with the necessary scalability and security.

True modernization involves more than just migrating applications to cloud-based virtual machines. It requires transforming those applications to take full advantage of cloud capabilities and incorporating artificial intelligence to make them run smarter, more efficient, and more innovative.

Some know features to bolster the delivery of modernization:

  • Scalability and flexibility: AI applications demand greater scale and flexibility because of the data-heavy nature, intricate AI models, desired business outcomes, and the necessity for agile development to keep up with rapid innovation. If these requirements aren't met, AI applications fail to deliver the expected business value. Whether developing new applications or updating existing ones, cloud platform services provide the necessary scalability and flexibility, enabling businesses to quickly respond to opportunities and customer demands.
  • Data integration: Intelligent applications are deeply intertwined with data. For organizations to build intelligent apps, they must be able to access and integrate their business data. By modernizing to a cloud-centric approach, organizations can better tap into the data needed to power intelligent apps, even from multiple data sources. This integration is especially important for AI models that underpin intelligent applications, as it enables them to provide deeper insights and more tailored experiences to customers.
  • Innovation and competitive edge: Intelligent applications hold immense potential for driving and accelerating innovation. However, realizing this potential necessitates a seamless

integration of platforms and developer services that empower developers to build rapidly, access required services effortlessly, and adapt without the hindrances and complexities of traditional infrastructures. The cloud serves as a catalyst for innovation, furnishing developers with the essential tools and services to build and deploy intelligent applications with ease. Modernizing legacy applications by migrating them to the cloud not only provides the requisite scalability and flexibility but also equips development teams with the appropriate tools and services to swiftly build and deploy intelligent applications.

  • Increased security: The emergence of intelligent apps requires a fresh approach to security for applications, data, and platforms, prioritizing business, and customer protection. While modernizing legacy applications can enhance security, this process can be challenging. Despite the rapid advancements in intelligent apps, we're still in the early stages of a significant shift in application development. Businesses need a comprehensive strategy, efficient process, and robust platform to foster innovation and navigate this evolving landscape.

Azure: Powering AI Innovation Microsoft has heavily invested in cybersecurity, making it a leader in the field and a popular choice for enterprise security. The Azure platform benefits from this reputation, as security and compliance are integrated into every layer of the stack, including the application and data layers. Additionally, Microsoft's commitment to responsible AI practices enhances the platform's security. The efficiency gains and reduced security breaches experienced by customers who moved to Azure are substantial, according to IDC.

Microsoft is committed to making Azure the top choice for all your customer’s application needs, whether you're creating new ones or upgrading existing ones. Azure's architecture is built to handle the demands of AI, bringing together top-notch apps, data, and AI services to support your entire application portfolio. This lets you modernize at your own pace, speeds up the development of new services for developers of all levels, and ensures the security, performance, and scalability needed to run critical business services in production. According to a study by IDC, Azure customers who migrated and modernized their applications experienced a 46% decrease in development lifecycle time and a 51% reduction in time spent deploying new features.

Let’s look at some customers in our Southern African regions that modernized their solutions by embracing this shift:

  • Absa: Azure was instrumental in Absa's transformation, facilitating the development of a mobile banking app that significantly improved customer experiences. The app, with more than 1 million downloads, increased mobile banking revenue by 15%.
  • Shoprite: By creating and innovating an e-commerce platform, which increased the company's online presence and led to a 20% increase in sales.
  • South African Airways: Their modernization efforts hinged on their adoption of Azure. This cloud platform proved instrumental in cutting IT expenses by almost a third and making the airline twice as responsive to customer needs.
  • PwC: They are leveraging the power of Azure OpenAI Service to revolutionize their auditing process, making it more efficient and user-friendly. This technology allows them to gather data more effectively and provide clients with a more personalized and engaging experience.
  • IFAD: This agriculture development agency utilized the Azure OpenAI Service to deliver mission-critical data to remote regions, ensuring that these areas have access to vital information.

The proof is in the pudding. This should be enough to convince your customers to modernize by innovating with Azure and AI. Embrace this and get some assistance from your Surestep Ambassador team for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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