A Step-by-Step Guide to Publishing Your Software on Azure Marketplace

10 May 2024

Following on from my previous blog, The Strategic Role of Azure Marketplace for Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), we wanted to provide a general framework for the work that needs to be done to get your solution ready for the Azure Marketplace. We start off with a quick recap of what the Azure Marketplace is and then we jump into the major steps involved in the process of becoming transactable. This blog is especially helpful for ISVs looking to publish their solutions to Azure Marketplace, as this blog gives some direction in how to get started. For CSP partners, the blog gives a good outline of what the ISV’s journey would look like and might give some hints where you can assist.

Understanding Azure Marketplace

Azure Marketplace is an online store for buying and selling cloud solutions certified to run on Azure. It’s like an app store, but for professional cloud services and software. For ISVs, it’s a golden opportunity to showcase your products to millions of Azure users worldwide.

Step 1: Prepare Your Offer

Before you dive into the technicalities, make sure your software is ready for the big leagues. This means:

  • Ensuring it’s polished, bug-free, and provides value.
  • Having clear documentation and support resources for users.
  • Making sure it complies with Azure’s policies and technical requirements.
  • Ensure buy in from the internal stakeholders and start formulating a go-to-market strategy.

Step 2: Register as a Publisher

To get started, you’ll need to create a publisher profile on the Microsoft’s Partner Centre. This involves providing basic information about your company and agreeing to the legal terms. Think of it as setting up your stall in the digital marketplace. The information you enter under your publisher profile will also relate back to the payout profile, the account to which Microsoft will remit any successful purchases/transactions of your solutions.

Step 3: Plan Your Offer

Next, decide what type of offer you want to publish. Azure Marketplace supports various offer types, including Virtual Machine images, Containers, SaaS applications, and more. Choose the offer type that fits your software offering and go-to-market strategy the best.


Step 4: Define Your Offer

Now, it’s time to create a new offer on the Microsoft Partner Centre. You’ll need to bring in the marketing team along with business decision-makers to collaborate on this portion, as this will define your presence on the Azure Marketplace and the message you present to the world. The below list is an example of what would need to get done:

  • Give your offer a name and ID.
  • Write a description that highlights its features and benefits.
  • Set pricing details, if applicable.
  • Upload images and videos to showcase your software.

Step 5: Technical Configuration

Depending on your offer type, you may need to configure technical aspects like deployment options, virtual machine settings, or API integrations. Azure provides templates and guidelines to help you through this process. This is also where a trusted partner comes in handy as this step is commonly the most time consuming and complicated.

Step 6: Publish and Test

Once you’ve filled in all the details, submit your offer for review. Azure will test it to ensure it meets quality standards and works as expected. This is like a dress rehearsal before the grand opening.

Step 7: Go Live

After passing the review, your offer will be published on Azure Marketplace. Congratulations! You’re now part of a vibrant ecosystem where users can discover and deploy your software.

This is the part where the real work starts, getting that first Marketplace deal to land. Make sure to have a massive launch campaign as soon as you’ve published on Marketplace.

Step 8: Promote Your Offer

Don’t just wait for customers to find you. Actively promote your offer through marketing campaigns, social media, and other channels. Azure also provides promotional opportunities within the marketplace itself.

A predefined Go-to-Market strategy is important, as your offer promotion will become part of a bigger strategy, thus we mentioned setting up a GTM strategy in step1 already.

Step 9: Monitor and Update

Keep an eye on how your offer is performing. Use the analytics tools provided by Azure to track usage and customer feedback. Regularly update your software to fix issues, add features, and stay competitive.

Publishing on Azure Marketplace might seem daunting at first, but it’s a straightforward process once you get the hang of it. By following these steps, you can make your software available to a vast audience and grow your business. So, roll up your sleeves and start your journey to the Azure Marketplace today!

And there you have it, a beginner-friendly guide to getting your software out there on the Azure Marketplace. This guide does not cover the technical details in depth, for a comprehensive guide and 1-1 session to discuss the Azure Marketplace in more detail, reach out to your SureStep Ambassador at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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