Technology for Social Impact (TSI): Empowering Nonprofits Through Innovation

24 July 2024

In an increasingly interconnected world, technology plays a pivotal role in driving positive change. Nonprofit organisations, with their noble missions, are no exception. They rely on technology not only to streamline operations but also to amplify their impact. Let’s explore how TSI—Technology for Social Impact—has transformed the nonprofit landscape and how recent changes affect fundraising and engagement strategies.

1. The Power of TSI

TSI encompasses a wide range of tools, platforms, and strategies designed specifically for nonprofits. Here are some key areas where technology has made a significant impact:

  • Donor Engagement: Nonprofits can now more effectively connect with donors through personalized communication, targeted campaigns, and data-driven insights. Donor management systems allow organisations to track interactions, preferences, and giving history.
  • Fundraising: Digital fundraising has revolutionised the way nonprofits raise funds. Online donation platforms, peer-to-peer fundraising, and crowdfunding campaigns empower supporters to contribute easily. Social media plays a crucial role in spreading the word and mobilising communities.
  • Program Efficiency: From cloud-based collaboration tools to data analytics, technology streamlines program management. Nonprofits can allocate resources efficiently, measure outcomes, and adapt strategies based on real-time data.
  • Advocacy and Awareness: Social media platforms provide a megaphone for causes. Nonprofits leverage these channels to raise awareness, advocate for change, and mobilize supporters around critical issues.
2. The Retirement of Fundraising and Engagement

Recently, Microsoft announced the retirement of its Fundraising and Engagement (F&E) solution. Here are the key points:

  • Retirement Date: The F&E solution will be retired on December 31, 2026. Technical support will conclude at 11:59 PM PT (US) on that date.
  • Security Updates: Until the retirement date, Microsoft will continue providing necessary security updates for F&E. However, no additional enhancements will be made.
  • Transition Path: Organizations currently using F&E should collaborate with their Microsoft Partners to identify an alternative configuration within Dynamics 365 Sales. This ensures a smooth transition for their fundraising needs.
  • Partner Solutions: Microsoft recommends exploring partner solutions for donor management and fundraising. Notable partners include Barhead, mhance, and SylogistMission CRM. More solutions are expected to emerge in the Partner solutions area of Solution Center.

3. Embracing Change

As nonprofits adapt to this transition, here are some steps they can take:

  • Evaluate Needs: Assess your organisation’s specific requirements. What features are essential for your fundraising efforts? Work closely with your Microsoft Partner to find the right fit within Dynamics 365 Sales.
  • Explore Alternatives: Beyond F&E, explore other donor management and fundraising solutions. Look for platforms that align with your mission and offer robust features.
  • Data Migration: If you’re migrating from F&E, ensure a smooth data transition. Your historical donor data is invaluable; make sure it’s seamlessly transferred to the new system.
  • Training and Adoption: Prepare your team for the change. Training sessions and user adoption plans are crucial to maximise the benefits of any new solution.

Partners can take several steps to prepare and adapt for their end customers with the retirement of Microsoft Fundraising and Engagement:

1. Communicate Early and Clearly: Inform your customers about the retirement of Fundraising and Engagement as soon as possible. Clear communication will help them understand the timeline and the steps they need to take.

2. Assess Customer Needs: Work closely with your customers to assess their current use of Fundraising and Engagement. Identify their specific needs and how the retirement will impact their operations.

3. Explore Alternative Solutions: Help your customers explore alternative solutions for donor management and fundraising. This could include other Microsoft products or third-party solutions built on Dynamics 365.

4. Leverage Power Platform Template Apps: Utilize the new Power Platform-based template apps to build customized solutions for your customers. These apps provide a foundation that can be tailored to meet specific fundraising and grant management needs.

5. Provide Training and Support: Offer training sessions and support to help your customers transition smoothly to new solutions. Ensure they are comfortable with the new tools and understand how to use them effectively.

6. Utilize Microsoft Resources: Take advantage of the resources and support offered by Microsoft, including the one-time customer assessment offer and the guidance provided through Microsoft Partner Development Managers.

7. Stay Informed: Keep up-to-date with the latest developments and updates from Microsoft regarding the retirement of Fundraising and Engagement. This will help you provide accurate and timely information to your customers.

8. Build Strong Partnerships: Strengthen your relationships with other partners who have experience with Fundraising and Engagement. Collaborate to share best practices and solutions that can benefit your customers.

By taking these proactive steps, partners can ensure a smooth transition for their customers and continue to provide valuable support and solutions in the evolving landscape of nonprofit fundraising and engagement.

Technology continues to shape the nonprofit sector, enabling organisations to create lasting impact. While the retirement of F&E marks a shift, it also opens doors to explore innovative alternatives. As nonprofits embrace TSI, they can amplify their reach, engage supporters, and drive positive change in our communities.

Remember, even as we bid farewell to one solution, we welcome the dawn of new possibilities. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Learn more about TSI: The Ultimate Guide on Using Technology to Boost Nonprofit Fundraising. Ready to kickstart your social fundraising strategy? Check out Social Fundraising: 4 Ideas for the Digital Age.

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