The Hidden Power of Copilot for Dynamics 365: More Than Meets the Eye

02 April 2024

“Copilot? Oh yes, that’s the AI thing, right?” If that’s your initial thought, you’re not alone. Copilot has indeed made waves in the tech world, but what if I told you that Copilot is more than just an AI assistant?

Copilot isn’t your run-of-the-mill chatbot. It’s a silent genius—an AI companion that whispers insights, nudges you in the right direction, and enriches various aspects of your business operations:

Copilot in Dynamics 365 Business Central:

  • Faster Product Launches: Imagine uploading a product image, and Copilot automatically matches it to the right category and attributes. But that’s not all—it also drafts compelling product descriptions based on color, material, and size. Your brand voice? Customizable. With a few clicks, your products are ready for your online store.
  • Efficient Accounting: Copilot takes the drudgery out of reconciling bank account statements. It matches known transactions and suggests ledger accounts for the rest- hours saved, sanity intact.
  • Custom Capabilities: Developers can extend Copilot by creating powerful, generative AI experiences tailored to specific roles or industries and deploy these as add-on apps on Microsoft AppSource.

Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Service:

  • Exceptional Customer Care: Copilot empowers service agents. It drafts contextual answers for queries in chat and email. Plus, it provides an interactive chat experience over knowledge bases and case history, giving you AI-powered expertise at your fingertips.

Copilot in Dynamics 365 Customer Insights:

  • Journeys and Automation: Copilot saves time on administrative tasks. It offers intelligent suggestions and automation within Dynamics 365 and allows you to refine marketing approaches without starting from scratch.

Copilot for Dynamics 365 Project Operations:

  • Project Management Efficiency: Copilot dramatically reduces time spent on project status reports, task planning, and risk assessments. It allows you to create new project plans in minutes by describing project details.

Now lets address the Elephant in the room - “But what about security?” Fair question. When dealing with an AI agent, security is paramount, and Microsoft knows this. They’ve woven layers of protection around Copilot like a digital fortress.

Microsoft takes security seriously and employs a robust set of measures to safeguard its services and products. Let’s delve into some key aspects:

1. Microsoft Secure Score:

o This tool provides enterprise-wide visibility into your organization’s security posture across Microsoft 365 workloads.

o It offers intelligent guidance by prioritizing threats and suggesting improvements.

o With comprehensive controls, you can enhance your security posture.

2. Windows Operating System Security:

o Microsoft’s Windows OS includes built-in advanced encryption and data protection.

o It boasts robust network and system security features.

o Intelligent safeguards combat ever-evolving threats.

3. Protection for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses:

o Features include multi-factor authentication to prevent password-related risks.

o Azure Information Protection ensures data security.

o Archiving, e-discovery, and legal hold capabilities add an extra layer of protection.

4. Built-In Security:

o Microsoft’s cloud technology is industry leading.

o Features like phishing-resistant authentication and automatic macro blocking fortify defenses.

o Chip-to-cloud security and a global infrastructure ensure robust protection.

5. Cybersecurity Framework & Policies:

o Microsoft actively supports global efforts to secure cyberspace.

o Research focuses on themes relevant to policymakers, addressing emerging threats.

Remember, security isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the foundation upon which trust is built. We encourage you to explore these measures, adapt them to your context, and keep your digital assets safe.

Are you ready to unlock the hidden potential of Copilot for Dynamics 365? Reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

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