The Power of Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designation: Unveiling the Array of Additional Incentives

10 August 2023

Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designation holds immense value for companies looking to excel in the realm of business solutions. This prestigious status is granted to organizations that have demonstrated expertise and excellence in providing innovative business applications based on Microsoft technologies. In this blog post, we will explore the various additional incentives that Microsoft provides Business Applications Partner Designated partners and compare them with the benefits offered to non-Business Applications Partner Designated partners. We'll also shed light on the financial incentives that make this partnership even more rewarding.

I. Understanding Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designation

Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designation is an exclusive status awarded to companies that possess exceptional capabilities in delivering top-notch business solutions across various industries. It encompasses a range of applications, including Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Power Apps, Power Automate, and more.

II. Additional Incentives for Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designated Partners

1. Priority Access to Microsoft Business Applications Technology and Roadmap

Business Applications Partner Designated partners gain early access to Microsoft's latest business applications technology and product roadmaps. This allows partners to stay at the forefront of innovation, leverage new features, and align their solutions with Microsoft's vision for the future of business applications.

2. Dedicated Technical Support for Business Applications

Microsoft offers Business Applications Partner Designated partners priority technical support from experts specialized in business solutions. This dedicated assistance ensures swift resolution of technical issues, reducing downtime and improving the overall performance of partners' solutions.

3. Co-Selling and Go-to-Market Support

Partners with Business Applications Designation receive valuable co-selling opportunities with Microsoft's global sales teams. This collaboration opens doors to new customers and markets, accelerating sales cycles and driving business growth. Additionally, Microsoft provides go-to-market support, helping partners with joint marketing efforts and leveraging Microsoft's vast customer base.

4. Solution Selling and Training for Business Applications

Microsoft equips Business Applications Partner Designated partners with exclusive training sessions focused on solution selling. These sessions enable partners to better understand customers' unique needs, enabling them to design tailored solutions that address specific business challenges effectively.

5. Internal Use Rights (IUR) Licenses for Business Applications

Partners with Business Applications Designation receive Internal Use Rights licenses for Microsoft's business applications. This allows partners to use these applications for internal development, testing, and demonstration purposes, enabling them to deepen their expertise and gain practical experience.

6. Partner Advisory Hours for Business Applications

Microsoft provides Business Applications Partner Designated partners with Partner Advisory Hours, enabling them to seek guidance from Microsoft's technical experts on business application-related challenges. These hours can be utilized for troubleshooting, solution architecture consultation, and best practice recommendations.

7. Financial Incentives for Business Applications Partner Designated Partners

In addition to the technical and marketing benefits, Microsoft offers financial incentives to Business Applications Partner Designated partners. These incentives may include:

a. Revenue Sharing: Partners may be eligible for revenue sharing opportunities when they co-sell Microsoft Business Applications to customers.

b. Deal Registration: Partners can register their deals to gain protection and receive higher incentives when closing opportunities with new customers.

c. Performance-Based Incentives: Partners achieving specific sales targets and performance metrics can qualify for additional incentives, rewarding their commitment and success.

III. A Comparison: Business Applications Partner Designated vs. Non-Business Applications Partner Designated

Below is a comparative table highlighting the benefits, including financial incentives, for Business Applications Partner Designated and non-Business Applications Partner Designated partners:


Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designation is a gateway to an array of additional incentives that empower organizations to thrive in the realm of business solutions. The benefits offered to Business Applications Partner Designated partners, ranging from priority access to technology, dedicated support, co-selling opportunities, and financial incentives, make this partnership highly rewarding. As companies embrace digital transformation, joining forces with Microsoft as a Business Applications Partner Designated partner becomes a strategic move that propels them toward success in the competitive business applications market. 

Are you ready to unlock a world of opportunities and take your business solutions to the next level? Embrace the power of Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designation and gain access to a plethora of additional incentives, resources, and support from Microsoft. Whether you specialize in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Power Apps, or other business applications, this partnership is designed to elevate your success. 

Join the elite group of Microsoft Business Applications Partner Designated partners and enjoy priority access to cutting-edge technology, personalized technical support, co-selling opportunities, and financial incentives. Take advantage of the exclusive training and resources to refine your solution selling strategies and stay ahead of the competition. 

Partner with 4Sight Channel Partner Cluster today!  

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