Using Microsoft assessments to open the door to your customer’s cloud migrations

28 March 2023

Moving from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud can be a daunting task for many organizations. However, with the increasing popularity and adoption of Microsoft Azure, this migration process has become much more accessible and straightforward. Microsoft has revolutionized the way they assess customer infrastructure and empower them with the benefits of moving their data into Azure.

By means of assessments, 4Sight and our Channel Partners can help customers identify the feasibility of moving on-premises infrastructures to Azure. These assessments provide detailed information about the potential benefits of moving to the cloud, including cost savings, increased security, and improved scalability.

The assessments are designed to be comprehensive, and Microsoft has made it easy for our channel partners to engage with customers and get started. The process typically begins with an assessment of the customer's current infrastructure, which can help identify potential areas for improvement. Microsoft has designed the assessments to be as non-disruptive as possible, meaning that customers can continue to use their existing infrastructure while the assessment is being performed.

Once the assessment is complete, Microsoft assists in providing a detailed report that outlines the potential benefits of moving to Azure, including cost savings and increased efficiency. They also provide a roadmap for how to make the transition, which includes guidance on which applications to migrate first and how to manage the migration process.

One of the critical benefits of these assessments is that they help customers understand the true value of moving to Azure. Many organizations are hesitant to make the switch because they don't fully understand the benefits of the cloud. Microsoft's assessments help break down these barriers and empower customers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

Are you interested in a potential cloud transition? Contact the 4Sight Channel Partner Cluster on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a session with one of our Microsoft Surestep Ambassadors to start the process.

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