Blog - Information Technologies
Empowering Growth Through Innovation and Integration with Acumatica
To help them understand, I always like to tell new prospects who are interested in Acumatica, we are not a partner who you see during the implementation phase and after that we are gone, but rather the partner, who will inform you constantly about new features that get released with new versions. Or to experience with us, how we can tackle any of your business challenges as you grow and fit it into Acumatica, ultimately delivering the “single version of the truth”. We can happily assure our customers confidence in an evolving solution, reiterating how Acumatica does a large investment back into RND from the profits, to keep enhancing features and functionality. Additionally, putting a big focus on global trends around technology and, also allowing us, as the partner to always be adaptable and innovative.
In the new world of API
We are working and adapting into it. 4Sight largely benefits from this as we can integrate thousands of records in a fraction of the time it would normally have taken to gather and process them into a system. The key of all of this being successful is to ensure the business process is clearly defined and how we can fit that process into Acumatica, with controls in place to never let something fall through the cracks.
4Sight has a large range of skills, with a workforce of 400+ skilled employees, which customers can greatly benefit from. I always like to think we are a ‘one stop shop’ for any technology solution, considering we deliver Azure hosting, Power BI reporting with managed data layers, Microsoft licensing, ERP implementation as well as afterservice support. Acumatica is extremely scalable, from having a small business license of 5 users to running an enterprise of 500+ employees logging in, to process, view data rich information and approve documents, at the same time, having the right controls to ensure the correct delegation of authority takes place. Data is the new gold and I see customers taking advantage of that. We are able to integrate into these API's to help the customers become more efficient and assist them in gaining a better insight into their business to help make the key decisions, to reduce risks and see new windows of opportunity, from the rich data we can extract from Acumatica.
I think when deciding, firstly which ERP will fit the business and the budget, 4Sight offers a selection, which can be viewed on the website, but of the most important factors of consideration is who will be the partner that will have your interests at heart - to help you grow for the future and share new technologies that you may not have been aware of.