Case Studies - Information Technologies
South African National AIDS Council gains real-time visibility into operations with Sage Intacct

The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), a national body that coordinates government, business and civil society in the fight against HIV, TB and sexually transmitted infections, has implemented the Sage Intacct cloud financial management platform to streamline financial reporting and management. The solution was implemented with the support of Sage business partner, AccTech Systems, and enables the organisation to get an accurate, real-time view of its
Before implementing Sage Intacct, the Council was running on Sage Pastel Partner, a desktop-based system. SANAC’s financial requirements had outgrown that solution and it wanted to find a cloud-based replacement that would offer deeper, multi-dimensional accounting, automation of financial operations and visibility for real-time decision making. SANAC chose Sage Intacct based on its rich functionality and its positive experiences with Sage software over the years.
In addition to implementing the software, AccTech Systems helped SANAC to integrate its standalone procurement system with the Sage Intacct software. This, in turn, enables the organisation to more easily report on the vendors it contracts. This facilitates rotation of vendors in the government Central Supplier Database, as required by public sector procurement frameworks, and ensures transparency around the spending of donor funding to purchase supplies and
Says Jan Jansen van Vuuren , Sales Director at 4Sight AccTech: “SANAC wanted to strengthen and streamline its financial management, asset management, procurement and human resource management processes, with a particular emphasis on ensuring it can provide timely, accurate information to its stakeholders with less manual effort. Sage Intacct enables the Council to see key financial and operational data in real-time on its intuitive dashboards.
This level of real-time reporting will help give funders the confidence of knowing their funds are being used.
“As a cloud-based solution, Sage Intacct also supports a move to remote working and paperless accounting processes for SANAC. The Council did not need to implement any new technology to access Sage Intacct and we were able to complete 90% of the implementation work remotely. With Sage Intacct, SANAC has moved from fragmented processes, with frequent manual intervention, towards an integrated, real-time environment with a high level of automation.”
Vice President, Medium Business, Sage Africa & Middle East
“With its open architecture, Sage Intacct provides an extensive and scalable platform that helps organisations streamline processes and gain a complete, real-time view of their finances. We are seeing many organisations embrace Sage Intacct to drive their journey to digital and cloud-based operating models as they adjust to a world where the pandemic has accelerated trends such as remote work and digital commerce.”