Blog - Operational Technologies
Our brand transition journey from AGE Technologies Pty Ltd. to 4Sight Operational Technologies

4Sight’s aim and plan was to transition to a ‘one-brand’ strategy, a monolithic, unified brand to ensure consistency and cohesivity. And coupled to one essence, aligned to our narrative of encouraging organizations to take a quantum leap to Enterprise 5.0.
This one ‘4Sight’ brand would be considered the collective personality of our business. 4Sight would then have one visual identity across the whole business, the market would know us as 4Sight and we would act collectively as 4Sight, aligning all communications and statements and our services provided.
If we look at the history of how we got there:
We had separate brands, with the group made up of the individual parts – the ‘green’ 4Sight Holdings was a diversified holding company investment company and each of the Subsidiaries (AGE Technologies) held their own, unique brands, culture and values.
We moved to the blue colour palette and associated blue 4Sight logo – now representative of an outward-focused and innovative technology company, which places customer’s and partner’s benefits at the core of our modus operandi. For the year, we used dual logos, incorporating 4Sight next to the subsidiary logos (4Sight l Age Technologies).
We moved to the positioning of our Group’s 4 Business Clusters, including Operational Technologies made up of subsidiaries but still carrying the associated subsidiary names (4Sight l OT l Age Technologies).
2022 and beyond
We now move to the one 4Sight brand entirely, depicting the Business Cluster, describing what they do (4Sight l OT l Operational Technologies). The subsidiary area is explained in terms of their functional offerings, so Age is referred to as 4Sight l OT l Asset Automation.
Article by: Jacqui Scorgie
Group Marketing Manager