Blog - Operational Technologies
You can't simply "buy" Asset Performance Management
03 March 2022
Many technology vendors are selling APM solutions. They claim that their product or products will fast track your mine's digital transformation
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Mining is the most asset-intensive and asset diverse industry on earth. Simple optimisation of individual assets or asset groups, in isolation, could very often lead to bottlenecks or put undue pressure on aspects of the supply chain that cannot handle overall increases in throughput.
True APM requires building hybrid systems, that bridge the human-vs-technology divide, and optimise the assets of the mine holistically and comprehensively, to achieve synergy between all the assets that will create a safer, more efficient and sustainable mining enterprise.
To learn how our products, services and combined partner expertise enables us to offer unsurpassed services and solutions that will allow your mine to follow a profitable trajectory while moving seamlessly into the future of smart, autonomous mining Contact 4Sight today