Your Mine's Journey along the AI Maturity Curve

30 November 2022
Technology pundits have long been predicting that AI and digital technologies will transform mining in ways humans alone cannot hope to.

Today's Mining Landscape Digital technologies continue to create significant increases in efficiencies within the mining sector. These digital advances are leading to cost reductions and increased safety while advancing the goal of enabling individuals to perform better. The recent past has seen many shocks to the global economy, teaching us the valuable lessons that we must prepare for uncertainty and volatility and be ready to steer our companies through trying times. Competition with other companies, as well as the changes in the global political order, remains a constant threat to mines. Digital tools remain the most effective way of maintaining competitiveness. This article looks at how technologies like the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and Big Data form the basis for Industrial AI and Digital Twins, while paying attention to how these systems improve process optimisation, reduce downtime and ultimately create previously unobtainable efficiencies.

Key Technological Drivers

The proliferation of cheap and intelligent sensors and their incorporation into mining equipment has created the Industrial Internet of Things. The data acquired through this network of sensors is the enabler of Big Data. This proliferation of data is allowing operators better control over their processes, while also paving the way for powerful AI-based data analytics to make better sense of your mine through creating accurate digital representations of equipment known as digital twins.

Why now?

Our current moment is seeing past promises coming to fruition. Current technology is actualising many of those past predictions. The key steps are advances in the following:

  • Improvements and cost reductions in sensors and telemetry make the Industrial Internet of things more affordable, practical and helpful.
  • Increases in computing capabilities allow industrial AI and machine learning to delve economically through data lakes, managing and interrogating massive data sets at reduced costs and with better results.
  • Improved AI and machine learning algorithms increase the accuracy of predictions, prescriptions and fault finding.
  • Improvements in Edge computing allow organisations to reap the benefits of large data sets in cloud-based platforms while maintaining computing availability which is critical for day-to-day operations.

The IIot and Industrial AI Maturity Curve Implementing technological systems is a journey that must be undertaken strategically and with foresight. As such, most organisations find themselves somewhere along the following AI maturity curve:

REACTIVE - At this stage, sensors are simply monitoring the current state of your mining operation. Simple questions like, "What was that?" are being considered.

HISTORICAL - The next stage is when your mining operation has accumulated enough historical data to be in a position to look for trends. Enabling operators to answer questions like, "What just happened?" and "Why did it happen?" allowing process owners to make changes to their processes.

REAL TIME - Data collection and monitoring are happening in real time, allowing operators insights into how machines and processes are currently performing and being more responsive in decision making. The question, "What is happening?" can be answered at this stage.

PREDICTIVE - At this stage, AI and ML are applied to data, allowing operators to be predictive in their analysis and more effective in maintenance. The question of "What will happen?" is being answered.

PRESCRIPTIVE - The next stage is when AI and ML help makes decisions concerning running the mine and scheduling maintenance. The question, "How do I improve my future?" is considered.

AUTONOMOUS - At this stage, operators allow AI to run processes under human supervision. Upscaling to fully autonomous when operators feel confident enough that the AI and ML
decision-making capability is sufficient. The question, "How do I maximise efficiency?" is under consideration at this stage.

Journey with 4Sight

Choosing the right technology partner is critical for success at each junction along the AI maturity curve. As a trusted technology partner, 4Sight has engineers that can assist you with comprehensive solutions at every stage. Our team of engineers have the ability to design, implement, monitor and support your operations' digital solutions.  Ranging from plant level IIoT through monitoring and control platforms to digital twin and simulation. Providing cloud services, integration, engineering and AI solutions for your mine.


 By Wilhelm Swart






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